Hike 16: West Talus 3, Talus Rocks, Section Line to Bus Trail (Hike 15 was a repeat of Sequalitchew Creek)

This hike is located in Tiger Mountain State Forest near several smaller lake side hikes. There’s a sizeable parking lot, which is nice when you are running on toddler time. We had no problem finding a spot on a weekend in May. The trailhead itself was a bit challenging to locate since so many trails begin in the same area, but we found it relatively easily after conferring with the maps we printed from all trails: https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/washington/west-tiger-3-talus-rocks-section-line-and-bus-trail-loop
This trail is definitely a spring/fall trail. During the summer I suspect that it’s mostly a tree filled walk, which for some of us is amazing, but others prefer more reward. In the spring, however, it is filled with wild flowers. Bleeding heart blooms everywhere. Trillium and yellow stream violets abound. So it is a wonderful spring flower hike. It is also rife with mushrooms. I do not know, as I haven’t hiked this hike in fall, but I suspect that mushrooms are also plentiful in the fall.

My kiddo thought this hike was great. There were lots of slugs, streams to splash in, and boulders to explore. The trails were relatively narrow, but it wasn’t busy at all. There was also an abandoned bus along the trail that was a point of interest for the kiddo.
All in all, this is a pleasant and easy hike for children with plenty to see in the right seasons or if you just enjoy exploring in the trees. We went back in May, so I couldn’t speak to the conditions of the trail in September. Overall the kiddo and I would recommend this trail.

For this hike, since I was hiking on Duwamish Lands, I chose to pay rent to the Duwamish Tribe through their real rent website. Per the website the money raised contributes to the following: “100% of Real Rent goes to the non-profit, Duwamish Tribal Services, run by the Duwamish Tribe. The mission of Duwamish Tribal Services, Inc. is to promote the social, cultural, political and economic survival of the Duwamish Tribe, to revive Duwamish culture, and to share our history and culture with all peoples.” If you have also been hiking on Duwamish lands you can pay rent here, too: https://www.realrentduwamish.org/